What to Consider in Choosing Cloud Storage Providers

2015-01-15 19:08:48

Cloud storage has definitely brought technology to a new level, introducing a brilliant way to make storing files a whole lot easier. Aside from the fact that cloud storage eliminates the need for a number of space-consuming and costly storage equipment, it also makes file sharing more convenient. With the number of cloud storage providers in the market though, you would have to be careful about who to choose. Here are a few things to look for in searching for cloud storage providers:


As with any other types of storage, security plays the biggest risk. Especially with the fact that all your information is stored somewhere you do not have complete control over, it is a very important thing to do a thorough check on how trustworthy the provider is when it comes to encrypting and protecting your files. As much as possible, choose a provider that gives you several options to keep your files secure.


Ask for feedback from people you know to find out just how reliable a specific cloud storage provider is. Has anybody’s files been compromised in the length of time that they trusted the service? Is there too much downtime, or do they experience too much technical difficulties in using the service? Do they have efficient processes as far as addressing significant issues are concerned?


Especially for small businesses, the expected growth that your company is facing should be put into consideration. You may be handling a small amount of files now and could only have very few people accessing these files. But what happens when you start getting more people, and start accumulating more files as your business gets bigger? Find out if the provider will be able to adjust as your need expands, taking into consideration the additional costs that would go into it as well as the ease of transition as you upgrade your service little by little.

Just because it’s cheap means you get to save money, and just because it’s expensive does not mean that it’s top quality. In looking at the costs that would go with the service, the best question to ask yourself is “Is it worth it?” Cheap plans could either have hidden charges or could be so basic that you would still end up paying for a lot of add-ons, leaving you with even higher expenses. Expensive plans could have a lot of things that go with the package that you don’t really need. Look for the most reasonable offer that includes almost everything that you see as completely necessary and start with that.

Remember that in choosing the perfect cloud storage provider, these factors should be considered as non-negotiable. These should be the things that would have the biggest impact on your final decision; everything else will just be an add-on.

Are there other important factors that you feel should also be considered before deciding on the best cloud storage provider for your business and professional needs?