What Cloud Storage Providers Can Do For You at Home

2015-01-12 20:50:56

If you take a good look around, you will see that you can go several minutes without seeing something written about the cloud or at least the cloud being mentioned. Indeed, the cloud is hugely popular these days and it seems like every day, there is news of some new cloud storage providers that are popping up to offer services to business and homes alike.


Now some of you may already know that cloud storage providers already offer their services to offices and small businesses; however, you must also know that cloud storage providers have services geared specifically for home users. After all, the cloud is for everyone and this means homeowners and businessmen alike.


How the Cloud Can be Used at Home


It is easy to see how the cloud may be used in the office what with all the files they have to manage, work on, and share. The cloud is also beneficial to the work place in the sense that it is collaborative and easy to use. Seeing how perfectly suited the cloud is to businesses and office work, it can make you wonder where its place is in the home. For those who want to find out, check out some of the points below:


Storing important data – Homes have important files to store just like offices do and this is what the cloud can be used for. Those that want to keep an electronic record of their bills in organized folders in their computers can rely on the cloud to keep them safe and sound. This is one way to make sure that you never lose track of your bills and other records. You may even use your cloud storage to keep music and movies so your computer’s memory doesn’t get taken up by monster-sized files.


Sharing – For people who take a lot of pictures and want to share them with loved ones but not on social media, you can store your pictures on the cloud and share them with anyone that you want provided that they, too, have an account. If they do not have an account, you always have the option of sending them links.


Backing up data – If you have important work that you do on your home computer or if you work from home, you cannot afford to be lax and forget to back-up your files. When you have cloud storage in your computer, you do not have to worry about losing files.


There are so many different uses for the cloud at home and if you are not using it, well, you better get a move on so that you do not miss out on many of its wonderful benefits.  You do not have to pay for a cloud account if you do not want to since you can always rely on free cloud servicesand plans such as the ones offered by Google, Dropbox, and Zipcloud. However, if you do heavy work at home and you need more memory for your files, you may always opt for a paid account and get tons of space. Do you think this is something that will work with you? Share your thoughts below!